How Do I Meet Other Military Wives?

Military wives meet

Military life can be a rewarding and exciting experience, but it can also be challenging, especially if you’re far away from your family and friends. One of the best ways to build a support network and make connections is by meeting other military wives. Here are some tips.

Attend Military-Sponsored Events

One of the easiest ways to meet other wives is by attending events such as family readiness group meetings, unit social events, and community service projects. These events are designed to bring military families together and provide opportunities for them to connect with one another. Its natural to strike up a conversation in a social setting. You’re bound to meet someone.

Join Online Groups

Another way to meet other military wives is by joining online groups such as Facebook groups or message boards. These groups allow military spouses to connect with others who are going through similar experiences and offer a space to share advice, resources, and support. Check out my Facebook group here. You could organize a play date at the park, or host a coffee meet up at your house. Just a few months ago, I invited someone I’d met in an online group over for coffee. It was a great time, and no hassle! Just pull out some cute mugs and whip up your favorite brunch food. (I made these).

Volunteer in the Community

Volunteering in the community is an excellent way to meet other military wives and get involved in your new community. Many military installations have a Family Readiness Group or a Spouses’ Club that helps organize volunteer opportunities, or you can reach out to local organizations to see how you can get involved.

Attend Spouse Orientation Programs

Many installations offer spouse orientation programs or classes (L.I.N.K.S. is great) that provide information and resources about military life, including how to meet other military wives. Attending these programs can help you learn more about your new community and connect with others who are in the same situation.

Join a Gym or Fitness Class

Joining a gym or fitness class can be a great way to meet other military wives who share similar interests. Many installations have free gyms or fitness centers that offer classes, and there may also be local fitness studios or classes that you can join. I made a ton of friends at Fit4Mom classes back in 2016, that I’m friends with to this day.

In conclusion, meeting other military wives and can be incredibly beneficial for building a support network and making connections in a new community. By attending military-sponsored events, joining online groups, volunteering in the community, attending spouse orientation programs, and joining a gym or fitness class, you can meet other wives and build meaningful relationships. Remember that military life can be challenging, but with a strong support network, you can navigate the challenges and thrive in your new environment.

If all else fails, walk outside wearing this, and you’re bound to start a conversation lol

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What Does TRICARE Cover for Spouses?

Tricare medical coverage

TRICARE is the health care program for military members and their families, providing coverage for medical and dental services. Spouses of service members are eligible for TRICARE coverage, but the specifics of coverage can vary depending on the particular plan and circumstances. Here’s a look at what TRICARE covers for spouses.

Medical Coverage

TRICARE offers several different medical plans for spouses of military members. These plans provide coverage for doctor visits, hospitalizations, surgeries, and prescription medications. Most plans require that spouses pay a yearly deductible and a percentage of the cost of care, known as copayments.

Dental Coverage

TRICARE also offers dental coverage for spouses of military members. These plans cover routine dental cleanings, X-rays, fillings, and other basic services. More extensive procedures, such as root canals and orthodontics, may require additional coverage or out-of-pocket expenses.

Mental Health Coverage

TRICARE provides coverage for mental health services for spouses of military members. These services include counseling, therapy, and psychiatric care. Some plans may require prior authorization for certain types of mental health services.

Maternity Coverage

Spouses of military members are also eligible for maternity coverage through TRICARE. This coverage includes prenatal care, delivery, and postpartum care. Some plans may require that spouses pay a deductible or copayment for certain maternity services.

Emergency Care

TRICARE provides coverage for emergency medical care for spouses of military members. This coverage includes emergency room visits, ambulance services, and urgent care services. However, it’s essential to check with your specific plan to understand the requirements and limitations on emergency care coverage.

In conclusion, TRICARE coverage for spouses of military members provides a range of medical, dental, mental health, maternity, and emergency care services. By understanding what is covered under your specific plan, you can ensure that you and your family have access to the care you need when you need it. If you have any questions about TRICARE coverage for spouses, be sure to reach out to your plan provider or military healthcare representative.

To learn about other benefits for military spouses, click HERE

The Best tips for Preparing for a PCS

A Permanent Change of Station (PCS) can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, for military families.


Whether you’re moving across the country or overseas, there are a lot of things to consider. Here are my best tips for preparing for a PCS.

Start Planning Early.

When it comes to a PCS, it’s important to start planning early. Ideally, you should start planning six months before your move. This will give you plenty of time to research your new location, prepare your home for sale or rent, and make any necessary arrangements.

Get Organized

Organization is key when preparing for a PCS. Create a PCS binder that includes all of your important documents, such as orders, medical records, and school transcripts. Keep track of your household goods inventory, and make a list of items that you want to sell, donate, or throw away.

Research Your New Location

Researching your new location is essential when preparing for a PCS. Learn about the local schools, housing options, and community resources. Look for information about the climate, culture, and recreational opportunities in the area. This will help you and your family adjust to your new surroundings.

Create a Moving Checklist

Making a moving checklist can help you stay organized and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks. Include tasks such as notifying utilities, canceling subscriptions, and scheduling movers. Break down larger tasks into smaller steps, and set deadlines for each task

Take Care of Yourself and Your Family

Preparing for a PCS can be stressful, but it’s essential to take care of yourself and your family during the process. Make time for self-care activities, such as exercise, prayer, or spending time with friends. Talk to your children about the move, and help them prepare emotionally by letting them know what to expect.

Seek Support

Finally, seek support when preparing for a PCS. Reach out to your military installation’s Family Readiness Officer, who can provide resources and support for military families. Connect with other military families who have gone through a PCS, and ask for their advice and tips.

In conclusion, preparing for a PCS may seem daunting, but with some planning and preparation, you can make the process smoother and less stressful. By starting early, getting organized, researching your new location, making a moving checklist, taking care of yourself and your family, and seeking support, you can navigate the PCS process with confidence. Remember that a PCS is an opportunity for adventure and new experiences, and with the right preparation, you can make the most of it.

PCS tips you need to know


Military Discount?

discount and sales

One of the benefits of being married to someone in the military is getting your dependent ID card. This card, along with the last 4 digits of your service member’s social, can unlock the proverbial door to just about any situation.

If you’re the forgetful type, like me, you tend to lose the most important things in life. I’ve lost my dependent ID more times than I care to disclose, so I highly recommend keeping it on a lanyard around your neck or clipped to your keys. Don’t worry, here’s a way to be responsible and cute.

Showing your card can grant you access to base (post), allow you to see medical documents, or less importantly, earn a discount at many retail locations. Several chains offer the discount as a policy, but they don’t always ask. If you aren’t sure, simply ask if they offer a military discount at the counter while they ring up your items, and have your ID ready.

The discount, if offered, is usually about 10%. Some service industries offer more. Many businesses honor service members and their families with free meals on holidays like Veteran’s Day. Check to see if a discount is offered when booking flights, hotels, or even choosing phone plans. I won’t list the names of companies here, because it tends to change from year to year, but you can usually Google it.

When I was a young wife, I was too proud to use coupons, or inquire about discounts. I didn’t want to appear needy. Of course then, we needed it more than ever. Wisdom certainly comes with age, so here’s my advice:

Your husband serves in the military. There are companies who want to honor his hard work with a discount. Have your dependent ID card ready, and just ask.

Learn my tips for the new military spouse here

Still don’t quite understand the military version of your husband? You need this

Can A Military Spouse Have a Job?

A common question many people have about military spouses, is do we have jobs? Or can we work? The short answer, of course, is yes. Over the years I’ve made friends with lots of women who do part-time work at restaurants, or retail at the mall. Some work full time on the same military installations as their husbands doing child care, or at the medical or dental office. Some are teachers at the same schools that their children attend. It is definitely possible.

I can say, from my own experience, however, that it can be difficult to follow a career path when you move every 2-4 years. If your career requires specific licensure, you may not have reciprocity from state to state. Meaning your credentials may qualify you in one state, but they don’t meet the requirements in a new state. I’ve lived in areas where local employers saw military spouses as unreliable employees because we don’t stay in one location for long.

I’ve lived in places where the waitlist for childcare was several months long, which put spouses who worked in difficult situations. So if you have children, thats something to consider.

I’m of the mind, that the best way to work when your spouse is serving in the military, is to be home. If you can land a work from home job, where you are available to your family, amazing! If you can start your own business, even better. I know TONS of entrepreneurs who started their successful businesses out of necessity because they found it difficult working outside the home with their husbands in the military.

If you want to earn extra money, but dont want to leave your children and your home, Check out THIS work from home opportunity that I’ve been loving for my family. For more details, email me from the “contact me” tab so we can chat!

Still figuring it all out? More tips here

Why Non-toxic?

What’s the big deal?

My journey to living a non-toxic lifestyle started when my son was born. He had really sensitive skin, and the baby wash and lotions we had used for our girls, gave him hives! The pediatrician said to look for fragrance-free baby products, and that got me thinking, “why would fragrance cause hives??”. So I did some research and learned that the word fragrance is a trade secret code for hundreds of toxic chemicals that companies don’t have to disclose. What was I using on my babies??

Potential Side Effects

I was sad that my new born baby had been exposed to something toxic, but once I realized the potential side effects of this stuff over time, I was grateful to learn before it was too late. The Environmental Working Group website has great info about the harm certain ingredients can do to the body over time. Minor issues like allergies, headaches and eczema all the way to respiratory, hormonal and reproductive issues and cancer can all stem from extended periods of exposure to chemical toxins.

Researching Alternatives

Now that my favorite “baby scented” lotions, soaps, and detergents were out of the question, I had to find what was safe to use instead. I tossed out our chemical cleaners, scented candles, lotions and soaps, and opted for natural alternatives like this and this I started using vinegar, baking soda and water to clean our house. If I wanted to make the house smell good, I simmered a pot of water on the stove and added orange peels and cinnamon sticks.I found free and clear versions of my favorite detergent, but some of the ingredients still concerned me.

The Final Straw

In the year 2020 I developed an intense case of eczema on my hands. This is when I decided to really buckle down and find a place or a company that was trustworthy and committed to high standards for non-toxic products. I spoke with friends, and read testimony after testimony until I was convinced. The following year, I purchased a starter kit from Young Living and never looked back.

One Year Later

One year after diving in with Young Living, I have tossed all chemical cleaners, perfumes and cologne, dish, laundry and hand soap, scented candles, toxic makeup, body wash, (and the list goes on!) and replaced them with essential oils, and non-toxic plant based alternatives. My son’s skin and my skin are healthy as ever, and I feel great knowing that I’m in charge of what my family is exposed to, and its the best that nature has to offer.