The front entrance to our house

Sometimes while doing housework, particularly something I don’t enjoy, I will whisper to myself “make them never want to leave”. Them, of course, refers to my family. This sudden reminder causes me to work a bit more diligently and pay a bit more attention m to the details of my task. Suddenly, a switch in my mind is flipped, and I’m back to focusing on serving and loving my family instead of how much I don’t enjoy dusting.

When a man has been at work all day, surrounded by people who don’t love him, don’t respect him, and maybe who aren’t even kind to him, he wants to come home to peace.

When children have been at school all day, being challenged by their teachers and surrounded by their rowdy friends, they need to come home to love.

What better way to cultivate an environment of both peace and love, than appealing to their senses as soon as they walk in. Appeal to their sight: the home should be tidy and free of clutter. Make it cozy with pillows, throw blankets, soft rugs and soft lighting. A fire during the colder months certainly doesn’t hurt either.

Appeal to their smell: have a pleasant but light scent in the air. I love diffusing essential oils in my home. Light scents, like lavender or citrus fresh are perfect for the afternoon.

Bonus: have fresh baked cookies or bread in the kitchen. Nothing says welcome home, like the smell of something yummy coming from the kitchen.

Appeal to their hearing: no more vacuuming if you can help it, and have the laundry done for the day. Speak in a kind, loving tone. These are the people you love most, after all.

Appeal to their sense of taste. I always have a snack ready for my kiddos when they get home from school. If its hot outside, I like to cut fresh fruit and serve lemonade, during the colder months they sometimes get hot chocolate or pumpkin bread. My husband’s dinner is always waiting in the microwave, since he gets home hours after dinner time.

If we, as homemakers, remember to focus our hearts on the people we love most, it will reflect in how our homes feel. The simple tasks we complete everyday will be much more meaningful, and our husbands and children will never want to leave.

If you like this concept, I’ve turned it into a challenge in my Facebook group. Fill out the form, so I can get you in!