What’s the big deal?

My journey to living a non-toxic lifestyle started when my son was born. He had really sensitive skin, and the baby wash and lotions we had used for our girls, gave him hives! The pediatrician said to look for fragrance-free baby products, and that got me thinking, “why would fragrance cause hives??”. So I did some research and learned that the word fragrance is a trade secret code for hundreds of toxic chemicals that companies don’t have to disclose. What was I using on my babies??

Potential Side Effects

I was sad that my new born baby had been exposed to something toxic, but once I realized the potential side effects of this stuff over time, I was grateful to learn before it was too late. The Environmental Working Group website has great info about the harm certain ingredients can do to the body over time. Minor issues like allergies, headaches and eczema all the way to respiratory, hormonal and reproductive issues and cancer can all stem from extended periods of exposure to chemical toxins.

Researching Alternatives

Now that my favorite “baby scented” lotions, soaps, and detergents were out of the question, I had to find what was safe to use instead. I tossed out our chemical cleaners, scented candles, lotions and soaps, and opted for natural alternatives like this and this I started using vinegar, baking soda and water to clean our house. If I wanted to make the house smell good, I simmered a pot of water on the stove and added orange peels and cinnamon sticks.I found free and clear versions of my favorite detergent, but some of the ingredients still concerned me.

The Final Straw

In the year 2020 I developed an intense case of eczema on my hands. This is when I decided to really buckle down and find a place or a company that was trustworthy and committed to high standards for non-toxic products. I spoke with friends, and read testimony after testimony until I was convinced. The following year, I purchased a starter kit from Young Living and never looked back.

One Year Later

One year after diving in with Young Living, I have tossed all chemical cleaners, perfumes and cologne, dish, laundry and hand soap, scented candles, toxic makeup, body wash, (and the list goes on!) and replaced them with essential oils, and non-toxic plant based alternatives. My son’s skin and my skin are healthy as ever, and I feel great knowing that I’m in charge of what my family is exposed to, and its the best that nature has to offer.