Today is a special day. I got up, made breakfast for my family, coffee for my husband and myself, and got the kids ready for school. Today is a special day. I put on a pretty pink dress and my favorite new sandals, because today is a special day.

My husband and kids surprised me with jewelry boxes, handmade cards and new sleepwear and a robe. Such sweet, beautiful gifts. And I wasn’t expecting them. My mother sent me a gift card, and I received tons of thoughtful messages. Cherries on top.

Perhaps you are surrounded by thoughtful people in your life. They remember you, and celebrate you and appreciate all that you are to them.

But what if you aren’t? If you have a spouse, who is forgetful, or doesn’t do much to celebrate you. If you have children who weren’t taught to make cards or give gifts. If your mother isn’t the type to do something special for you all the way across the country. Celebrate yourself.

There was a time in my life when I was single, and didn’t have anyone to surprise me on my birthday, and I made the choice to dress up and take myself out for a delicious meal.I celebrated myself. Without expectation.

To clarify. I’m still Mom. I dont expect to sleep in and the kids magically wake themselves for school. I’m still Wife. I still make my husband’s coffee and see him off to work by kissing him at the door (one of my favorite things actually). I dont expect the Princess Treatment that you see on TV.

But I am happy to do a few things that make me feel special and beautiful. I am grateful to know that I can celebrate myself.

So can you. and if you’re not quite there yet, I’d like to celebrate you. You’re special and beautiful, and we are so grateful that you are here.

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