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After Deployment, What You Need to Know

What should you expect when your husband returns home from deployment?

hugging my husband after deployment

You’ve survived 6 months without your best friend and father of your children. You’ve sent care packages, emails and crossed off the days on the calendar, and now your hero is coming home. (If you’re at the beginning of a deployment, read my tips here) But, whats next? What should you expect after deployment?


Many times, we wives tend to over do it on the homecoming. We hire a photographer, have banners and balloons made, invite people over, and plan a party. The fact is, after a long flight, and potential bus ride, your husband will be tired. Ask him if he wants a large celebration, or just a small dinner with the family. Remember ladies, it’s about him.

Unfamiliar Territory

I hope you’re sitting down. Ready? He will have changed. For months, your husband has been surrounded by other guys in uncomfortable quarters and potentially dangerous atmosphere. He may have developed habits, or speech that you dont recognize. You likely have changed your hair, and moved the furniture, and adopted a new routine, as well. You will both need to reintegrate after a deployment.

Reintegration, again

After deployment ends, and the excitement of homecoming is over and the dust settles, you need to find one another again. Not the love letters, or the sleeping in his t shirts, but the relationship you once had. For some couples, this happens naturally, but for many others, it takes considerable effort. I urge you, ladies. Don’t nit-pick if he doesn’t fall right back into the routine. Be patient, be supportive, and just love him. The same with your kiddos. Their relationship may take time to rebuild, but dont rush it.


After deployment, is where the real work begins. My advice: tidy up the house, cook his favorite meal, put on a pretty dress. Meet him with a sign, a kiss and a big hug. When you get home, make room for him to be back in your life. Don’t rush, dont force. Just listen (if he wants to share) and love him.

How to Pack a Deployment Care Package?

10 Best Items for a Deployment Care Package He’ll Love

Sending a thoughtful deployment care package to your husband is a powerful way to show your love and support for him while he’s away from home. To help you create a meaningful care package, I have curated a list of 10 essential items that will bring comfort, joy, and practicality to your loved one. Plus I’ve included affiliate links for easy reference.

Disclosure: I may receive affiliate compensation for some of the links below at no cost to you if you decide to make a purchase.

1. Handwritten letters and photos

Including a heartfelt, handwritten letter on beautiful stationary, and a cherished photo will really go a long way to remind your service member of the love and memories you share.Personalize your letters and write sweet, supportive messages to boost their morale.

2. Favorite Snacks

Pack their favorite snacks and treats that will withstand the journey. You can high protein fueling snacks, guilty pleasure snacks, or a mixture of both. You can even send homemade baked goods sealed in a mason jar. He’ll feel like the luckiest guy there.

3. Comfortable Clothing

Include soft and comfortable clothing, thats appropriate for the weather. You can include things like cozy socks, hoodies, t shirts, and breezy shorts in any fabric that will keep them comfortable

4. Personal Care Items

Pack travel-sized toiletries such as shampoo, body wash, deodorant, and toothpaste. Things that they use regularly, and will run out of if not restocked regularly. I’m including a kit with classic brands, as well as my husband’s favorite non-toxic brand products

5. Entertainment

Keep your service member entertained during down time with entertainment options. Include things that he can do alone like puzzles or something he can do with friends like a deck of cards.

6. Practical Items

Include everyday practical things that your husband will need like batteries, a small fan, headphones, etc. These sorts of items will come in handy at some point, and he’ll be glad you sent them.

7. Personal Items from Home

You can include small items from home, such as personal fans or pillow cases.

8. Hobby Supplies

If your service member has particular hobbies that he can enjoy while on deployment definitely send relevant supplies like a sketch book and pens.

9. Inspirational Books/Devotional

Deployments are tough on your service member, consider sending him something inspirational to read, whether that’s a Bible, daily devotional, or inspirational quotes to motivate and encourage him.

10. Practical Self-Care Items

Think a small pillow, sleep mask, or calming essential oil rollers

deployment care package, I sent before Thanksgiving


By packing these thoughtful items in your deployment care package, you’ll create a meaningful connection between you and your service member. Remember to customize the package based on their preferences and needs, like these awesome stickers. I hope this list helps you assemble the perfect care package. Stay strong, stay connected, and continue to support each other throughout this journey

For my tips on getting through a deployment, check out this post