Solo Parenting Superheroes: In Honor of Navigating the Deployment Life as a Military Spouse

When duty calls, the military responds with steadfast resolve, commitment, and honor. Yet, behind the scenes, another form of heroism unfolds – the silent strength of the military spouses who are left to manage the everyday mission at home.

As military spouses, we don the cape of solo parenting during the most critical hour – deployment. From scheduling superhero to homework helper, we have the task of balancing home front duty with grace and determination.

The Call to Duty: Understanding the Deployment Lifecycle

Deployment is more than a temporary duty; it marks a significant milestone in the life of a military family. For many, it involves setting aside personal plans, missions, and celebrations, as the focus shifts to support the active service member. This is where our duty begins- the initial phase of deployment, preparing the home, and family for the time apart.

Phase 1 – Preparation and Pre-deployment Anxiety

The hours leading up to deployment form a crescendo of emotions – anxiety, readiness, and a bittersweet unity. We need strategies to handle this challenging time, from emotional readiness to the tangible checklists that ensure everything is in place. Super Spouses are armed with a plan of action that leaves no room for uncertainty.

Phase 2 – The Deployment Begins

With the formal goodbye comes the start of the deployment. On the first days and weeks apart, we often need practical advice, emotional support mechanisms, and the importance of maintaining routine.

Super Spouses to the Rescue: Juggling Household and Emotional Roles

When the service member is deployed, the home front becomes a silent, yet bustling base. Super Spouses transform into solo parenting superheroes, taking on the multiple roles that are typically shared. From taking charge of the family’s schedules and errands to being the main source for teaching, training, and emotional support-we step up to fill in the gaps and play both roles.

Mission Planning and Time Management

There are ways to streamline daily tasks, plan for contingencies, and ensure that home operations continue as seamlessly as possible. Time management takes on a new level of strategic precision, and a bit of organization is necessary to combat the enemy of household chaos.

Emotional Support for the Little Troopers

The emotional wellbeing of children during a deployment is a priority for any Super Spouse. We use resources like our support circle, local events and playdates and gentle techniques to help kids cope, offering an array of supportive measures that turn into secret weapons for facing the challenges head on.

Self-Care: The Super Spouse’s Not-So-Secret Weapon

Remember, the most resilient of heroes must take care of themselves. Self-care practices, support networks, and avenues for personal growth become the shield and armor that our Super Spouses will need, especially during deployment. This can be anything from an elaborate spa day (thanks, support network) to your favorite book and a cup of tea.Taking time for yourself when you need it, is not selfish.

Connecting with the Support Network: The Super Spouse League

No hero operates in a bubble, and neither does a military spouse. We must not forget the power of community and the vital role it plays in a Super Spouse’s life. It’s so important to build a local support system and explore the strategic alliances within the military community, local resources, and the chains of strength forged through shared experiences. These relationships act as the Super Spouse’s lifeline, providing camaraderie and shared wisdom.

The Online Military Spouse Community

In an era of digital everything, connections transcend geographical barriers. It’s a good idea to dive into the online world of military spouse groups, social media support, and the virtual salute of solidarity that empowers and engulfs Super Spouses worldwide.

The Reintegration Phase: Life After Deployment

Just as a deployment marks the beginning of an important phase, so does the end usher in a period of transition. As exciting as homecoming is, it also brings with it, the difficulties of reintegrations. Getting back into the norms of everyday life, but now including your spouse within the routine. This process is complex and looks different with every couple and every deployment. Managing post-deployment emotions,and aligning household expectations are just the beginning. These things can’t be rushed.

Celebrating Super Spouses: Recognizing Our Impact and Strength

Now, I just want to honor the resolute Super Spouses, recognizing the milestones we achieve, the impact we make, and the strength we embody. Many people aren’t aware of the challenges this life entails. They see it romanticized and glamourized with military ball gowns and picture-perfect homecomings. But we know the strength that this journey requires. We wear many hats and take on many roles, and if thats you, you truly deserve all of the admiration and appreciation in this post and more.

After a deployment, you may not have defended the nation from an enemy, but you fought. You had a mission to accomplish and you’ve served to completion. For that, we honor and “salute” you.

well done.

Staying Connected: Nurturing Relationships Over Long Distances

In the whirlwind of military life, one of the most significant challenges we face is maintaining meaningful connections with friends and family, especially when miles apart. Whether it’s due to PCS moves, or simply the demands of military duty, distance can strain even the strongest bonds. However, with a little creativity and intentionality, it’s possible to nurture these relationships and keep them thriving, no matter how far apart we may be.


  1. Embrace Technology: In today’s digital age, technology bridges the gap like never before. Take advantage of video calls, messaging apps, and social media platforms to stay connected in real-time. Schedule regular virtual meetups with loved ones to catch up, share stories, and simply enjoy each other’s company, even from opposite sides of the globe.
  2. Send Care Packages: Few things brighten someone’s day like receiving a thoughtful care package in the mail. Take the time to curate personalized packages filled with treats, handwritten notes, photos, and small gifts that remind your loved ones of home. It’s a tangible way to show you care and can help strengthen your bond, no matter the distance.
  3. Plan Virtual Gatherings: Just because you can’t be together physically doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate special occasions or milestones. Host virtual parties, game nights, or movie marathons to create shared experiences and make memories together, even when separated by thousands of miles. We have exchanged Secret Santa gifts with my in-law for over 10 years. Opening them on video chat on Christmas morning is one of our favorite traditions.
  4. Write Letters: In a world of instant communication, there’s something special about receiving a handwritten letter in the mail. Take the time to write heartfelt letters to friends and family, sharing your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a way that transcends time and distance. It’s a timeless gesture that fosters intimacy and connection.
  5. Create Shared Rituals: Establishing shared rituals or traditions can help maintain a sense of continuity and closeness, even when apart. Whether it’s a weekly video call, a monthly book club, or an annual family reunion, having something to look forward to can strengthen your bond and provide a sense of stability amid the uncertainty of military life.

While distance may pose challenges, it’s also an opportunity to deepen and strengthen our relationships in meaningful ways. By embracing technology, sending care packages, planning virtual gatherings, writing letters, and creating shared rituals, we can stay connected with friends and family, no matter where military life takes us. Let’s cherish these moments of connection and make the most of every opportunity to nurture the bonds that matter most.

Remember, distance may separate us physically, but love knows no bounds.

If you found these tips helpful, don’t forget to join our community for more resources and support on navigating military life and maintaining meaningful relationships over long distances.

Stay connected, stay strong, and stay true to those you hold dear.

What Is the 6 Week Health and Wellness Challenge?

This is a challenge for taking charge of the way we look, feel, and show up in the world. As women, how can we be amazing wives, mothers, and all the other hats we wear, if we are sluggish, bloated, ad riddled with brain fog and inflammation? WE CAN’T.

During the next 6 weeks, we are going to change all of that. No more waking up feeling like we need another 4 hours of sleep. No more feeling like we’re at the mercy of our cravings for junk food. No more doing the shimmy to squeeze into our clothes.


  • First, we are going to move our body every day for at least 30 minutes. You can walk, jog, lift weights, whatever you enjoy that gets you moving. An object in motion stays in motion, lets get moving!
  • Next, we are infusing our body with fiber. Our fiber supplement, sweeps out the bad stuff, and promotes regularity. It helps helps lower cholesterol, slows the absorption of glucose from food, and helps you feel less hungry between meals.
  • We’re also introducing a supplement system that promotes a balanced metabolism, provides you with more energy and reduces cravings for healthy weight management. It also keeps your glucose in check and helps you maintain healthy blood sugar levels. No more crashing after a meal.
  • We’re going to up our water intake. Whatever that means for you. If you are an avid water drinker, you know the benefits of being hydrated. If you’re a tea/soda/juice drinker, Drinking water is going to make a world of difference in the way your body feels.

Many of us have seen amazing results without even changing our diets! Thats how well this works. But, if you really want to blow the lid off your health, you’ll folllow R3. It’s a free 6 week eating plan, that helps you reset your metabolism with food lists, recipes, and a huge facebook community with inspiring before and afters and testimonials. You’ll have access to tons of videos to learn earn more about our supplements and their benefits, as well as workout routines and step by step recipes. After R3 we’ve seen A1C numbers go down, blood pressure improved, numerous pounds lost, wedding rings falling off, you name it. Basically the 6 week health and wellness challenge plus R3 is like putting rocket boosters on your wellness transformation.

So here’s what you get:

  • fiber
  • weight management supplement with crave blocker technology
  • weekly check-ins in our facebook group
  • access to the R3 community and all its resources for a life-changing health transformation

I ALMOST FORGOT. We’re giving away $1,000 worth of prizes for a few lucky participants! That includes $250 in cash, Stanley Cups, a year subscription to Barr3 Online, Gift Cards for Lululemon, and more! I mean come on! Your own health and wellness transformation just in time for warmer weather, AND amazing prizes! WIN/WIN!

So whats your investment to get access to this transformational challenge? Just the price of the supplements. Pictured below:


Choose your pack, (I love the weight loss glucose support bundle), and just message me, letting me know you’re in, and I will send you the link to get you started!

I’m SO EXCITED to see your before and afters!

Creating a Strong Support System in the Military Community

In the vast and ever-changing landscape of military life, one thing remains constant: the importance of a strong support system. As military spouses, we face unique challenges and uncertainties, from frequent relocations to extended separations from our loved ones. During these times, having a network of support can make all the difference in our ability to navigate and thrive in the military community. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of building a robust support system and offer practical tips for fostering meaningful connections within the military community.

The Importance of Support:

A strong support system is like a lifeline, offering comfort, guidance, and encouragement during the ups and downs of military life. Whether it’s a listening ear, a helping hand, or a shoulder to lean on, having people who understand our experiences and empathize with our struggles can provide invaluable support and validation. A strong community can lift us up during challenging times, celebrate our successes, and remind us that we’re not alone on this journey.

Fostering Meaningful Connections:

Building a strong support system starts with reaching out and connecting with others within the military community. Whether you’re attending a spouse group meeting on base, joining online forums and social media groups, or participating in local community events, putting yourself out there is the first step toward building meaningful relationships. Be open to making new friends and offering support to others who may be facing similar challenges. I once made a friend just by knocking on my neighbor’s door-asking to borrow a cup of sugar.

Seeking Out Resources:

In addition to building personal connections, it’s essential to take advantage of the resources available within the military community. From family readiness groups and support services on base to counseling services and educational programs, there are numerous resources designed to support military families. Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask for help when you need it, whether it’s assistance with childcare, financial counseling, or emotional support.

Nurturing Relationships:

Building a strong support system is not just about seeking help when we need it; it’s also about nurturing and investing in our relationships over time. Whether it’s staying in touch with friends from previous duty stations, scheduling regular coffee dates with fellow military spouses, or organizing social gatherings and events, maintaining strong connections requires effort and intentionality.

In the vast and interconnected web of the military community, a strong support system is the cornerstone of resilience and well-being. By reaching out, seeking resources, prioritizing self-care, and nurturing relationships, we can cultivate a network of support that sustains us through the challenges of military life and celebrates our triumphs. Together, we can create a community where every member feels seen, heard, and supported, no matter where the journey takes us.

Ready to strengthen your support system and connect with others in the military community? Join our supportive Facebook group and discover a network of like-minded individuals who understand your unique experiences.

Nurturing Your Spirit: Faith for Christian Military Spouses

As military spouses, we often find ourselves navigating turbulent waters, facing challenges that test our resilience and strength. In times of uncertainty and adversity, nurturing our spiritual health can provide a steady anchor, offering solace, guidance, and hope. Let’s explore the importance of faith and spiritual well-being for military spouses and discover practical ways to cultivate a deeper connection to our Lord and creator.

The Power of Faith:

Faith serves as a powerful source of strength and comfort, especially during times of separation and uncertainty. Whether it’s through prayer, meditation, or assembling together with other believers, embracing our faith can help alleviate stress, foster inner peace, and instill a sense of purpose and meaning in our lives. Connecting with our spiritual beliefs reminds us that we are not alone and that there is a plan for every thing we face on this earth.

Finding Meaning in Adversity:

Military life often presents us with unique trials and tribulations, from frequent moves to prolonged separations from our loved ones. During these times, maintaining our faith can help us find meaning in adversity and see beyond the immediate struggles. By trusting in a higher purpose and believing that challenges are opportunities for growth, we can approach life’s obstacles with resilience and optimism.

Cultivating Spiritual Habits:

Integrating spiritual practices into our daily lives can nurture our spiritual health and strengthen our connection to God. Whether it’s setting aside time for prayer, playing worship music in the car, or reading scriptures in. the morning, these habits can provide moments of peace and clarity amid life’s chaos. By prioritizing focus on the spirit, we can cultivate a sense of inner resilience that carries us through even the toughest of times.

Building Community and Support:

One of the beautiful aspects of faith is its ability to foster community and connection. As military spouses, we can find solace and strength in sharing our spiritual journey with others who understand our unique experiences. Whether it’s joining a faith-based support group like PWOC, attending services on base, or participating in online forums, connecting with like-minded individuals can provide invaluable support and encouragement on our spiritual path.

In the midst of life’s challenges, nurturing our faith and can serve as a guiding light, offering comfort, strength, and perspective. By embracing our beliefs, finding meaning in adversity, cultivating habits that grow our faith, and building community, we can navigate the ups and downs of military life with grace and hope, knowing God is with us every step of the way. Let us embark on this journey together, knowing that our faith in JESUS will sustain us through every storm and lead us toward greater peace and fulfillment.

Ready to deepen your journey and find support in your military community? Join our supportive Facebook group and discover resources, encouragement, and like-minded individuals who understand your unique experiences. Plus, don’t forget to download our free PCS checklist to help you stay organized during your next move. Your well-being matters, and we’re here to support you every step of the way!