Supporting Military Spouses: Navigating Resentment Towards Your Husband’s Career

Being a military spouse comes with its unique challenges, one of which is often feeling resentful towards your partner’s career in the armed forces. It’s understandable to feel this way at times, especially when their duties require long separations, frequent moves, and a significant amount of time away from home. Not only that, but its hard to feel like you’re working towards your own goals when everything revolves around the military. However, it’s crucial to remember that marriage is a partnership, and together, you can navigate these challenges and thrive as a team.

Embracing the Team Mentality

In any successful team, each member plays a vital role in achieving common goals. Similarly, in a marriage, both partners contribute to the success and well-being of the relationship. While your spouse’s career may demand a lot from both of you, it’s essential to recognize that your contributions are equally valuable, whether through emotional support, managing the household, or pursuing your own ambitions.

Exploring Opportunities for Personal Growth

Resentment often stems from feeling stagnant or unfulfilled in your own pursuits. As a military spouse, you have the freedom to explore various opportunities for personal and professional growth, even if your partner’s career requires frequent relocations. Consider pursuing further education, starting a business, volunteering in your community, or delving into hobbies that bring you joy and fulfillment. Remember, building your future alongside your partner’s career is not only possible but empowering.

Join the Milspouse Mastery Community

If you’re seeking a supportive community of like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges and triumphs of being a military spouse, look no further than Milspouse Mastery. Our online community is dedicated to providing resources, fostering connections, and offering encouragement to military spouses worldwide. By joining Milspouse Mastery, you’ll gain access to a network of individuals who share your experiences and are committed to helping each other thrive.

In conclusion, while feelings of resentment towards your partner’s career are valid, it’s essential to approach them as opportunities for growth and understanding within your marriage. Remember, you are part of a team, and together, you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Embrace the possibilities that lie ahead and join us at Milspouse Mastery to embark on this journey of empowerment and support.

Join the Milspouse Mastery community today and discover a world of solidarity, guidance, and empowerment for military spouses around the globe.

On Celebrating Yourself…

Today is a special day. I got up, made breakfast for my family, coffee for my husband and myself, and got the kids ready for school. Today is a special day. I put on a pretty pink dress and my favorite new sandals, because today is a special day.

My husband and kids surprised me with jewelry boxes, handmade cards and new sleepwear and a robe. Such sweet, beautiful gifts. And I wasn’t expecting them. My mother sent me a gift card, and I received tons of thoughtful messages. Cherries on top.

Perhaps you are surrounded by thoughtful people in your life. They remember you, and celebrate you and appreciate all that you are to them.

But what if you aren’t? If you have a spouse, who is forgetful, or doesn’t do much to celebrate you. If you have children who weren’t taught to make cards or give gifts. If your mother isn’t the type to do something special for you all the way across the country. Celebrate yourself.

There was a time in my life when I was single, and didn’t have anyone to surprise me on my birthday, and I made the choice to dress up and take myself out for a delicious meal.I celebrated myself. Without expectation.

To clarify. I’m still Mom. I dont expect to sleep in and the kids magically wake themselves for school. I’m still Wife. I still make my husband’s coffee and see him off to work by kissing him at the door (one of my favorite things actually). I dont expect the Princess Treatment that you see on TV.

But I am happy to do a few things that make me feel special and beautiful. I am grateful to know that I can celebrate myself.

So can you. and if you’re not quite there yet, I’d like to celebrate you. You’re special and beautiful, and we are so grateful that you are here.

Please Join Milspouse Mastery for more tips and advice, and a supportive network of military spouses to surround you on this journey.

Homemaking Tips for the Resourceful Military Spouse

Adjusting to a life of frequent moves, deployments, and a constant cycle of new faces and places can be a daunting experience. But for us military spouses, it’s just another day on the front lines of home and family. We play a vital role in creating the atmosphere for our family, and our efforts to create a nurturing environment are the glue that holds the military community together.

Today I’m sharing tips and insights, to guide you in the art of homemaking, tailored specifically to our unique lifestyle. From the cozy quarters of base housing to the temporary set-up of rented apartments (or houses) , these homemaking strategies are designed with the challenges that military families face, in mind.

Creating Comfort amidst Constant Change

Begin by crafting a home that’s a sanctuary, no matter where that might be. Select decor items that are both functional and sentimental—things that make any space feel like yours. Consider wall art that hangs with ease and furniture that serves multiple purposes or easily disassembles for your next move. Don’t be afraid to keep decor items when you move-those familiar aspects will make each new space feel more like YOURS.

Sustainable Systems for the Solo Steward

When you’re home solo during deployments, time management and organization become your best allies. Develop daily routines that consider your own schedule and size of your house. Stick to your routine so that the work doesnt pile up to an overwhelming state.

A Network of Neighbors

While moving might mean leaving friends behind, it also opens up opportunities to forge new ones. Actively engage in your local military community—attend events, join clubs, or start your own group around a hobby or interest. These connections can become your extended family, providing vital support during tough times.

Fostering Growth for the Whole Family

Your children are on this voyage with you, and each move can be an adventure. Transform each transition into a learning experience with explorations and local-area educational activities. And throughout it all, maintain routines that ground them, from story time to nightly video chats with their deployed parent.

Making Each Space Your Own

Homemaking isn’t just about the physical space; it’s about the emotional atmosphere you cultivate. Sprinkle personal touches like family photos and cherished mementos throughout your home. Plants can also play a special role; they not only purify the air but can create a sense of continuity and growth amidst change.


The words “home” and “family” take on profound new meanings within the military community. Every relocation, every “see you soon,” every fresh start is a testament to our indomitable spirit. We are the unsung heroines and heroes, the bedrock upon which the service member can rely.

May this post serve as a resource, a reminder, and an affirmation of our incredible role. In unity and support, we say thank you. For as we bolster one another, the entire community marches stronger. Keep shining your light, dear friends, one home at a time.