discount and sales

One of the benefits of being married to someone in the military is getting your dependent ID card. This card, along with the last 4 digits of your service member’s social, can unlock the proverbial door to just about any situation.

If you’re the forgetful type, like me, you tend to lose the most important things in life. I’ve lost my dependent ID more times than I care to disclose, so I highly recommend keeping it on a lanyard around your neck or clipped to your keys. Don’t worry, here’s a way to be responsible and cute.

Showing your card can grant you access to base (post), allow you to see medical documents, or less importantly, earn a discount at many retail locations. Several chains offer the discount as a policy, but they don’t always ask. If you aren’t sure, simply ask if they offer a military discount at the counter while they ring up your items, and have your ID ready.

The discount, if offered, is usually about 10%. Some service industries offer more. Many businesses honor service members and their families with free meals on holidays like Veteran’s Day. Check to see if a discount is offered when booking flights, hotels, or even choosing phone plans. I won’t list the names of companies here, because it tends to change from year to year, but you can usually Google it.

When I was a young wife, I was too proud to use coupons, or inquire about discounts. I didn’t want to appear needy. Of course then, we needed it more than ever. Wisdom certainly comes with age, so here’s my advice:

Your husband serves in the military. There are companies who want to honor his hard work with a discount. Have your dependent ID card ready, and just ask.

Learn my tips for the new military spouse here

Still don’t quite understand the military version of your husband? You need this