Is it Hard to Get a Job?

This Milspouse’s work


The military lifestyle is one filled with unique opportunities and challenges, and one of the challenges that military spouses often face is finding employment while navigating the frequent relocations and uncertainties that come with being married to a service member.

In this blog post, we will explore the common challenges faced by military spouses when it comes to finding a job, as well as the opportunities and resources available to support us in their pursuit of employment.

Frequent Relocations

One of the primary obstacles military spouses face when seeking employment is the frequent moves associated with military life. Relocating every few years can make it difficult for spouses to establish long-term careers in traditional employment settings. However, it’s important to note that as technology advances, more companies are embracing remote work opportunities, which can provide flexible employment options for military spouses.

Licensure and Certification Issues

Certain professions require state-specific licensure and certifications, and the process of transferring those credentials can be time-consuming and challenging for military spouses. Each state has its own requirements, and these discrepancies can make it difficult for spouses to continue a career or start in-demand professions if we move frequently. Nonetheless, initiatives such as the Military Spouse Interstate License Recognition Options (MSPB) Act aim to facilitate the transfer of professional licenses across state lines, making it easier for military spouses to maintain career progression.

Employer Misconceptions

Unfortunately, some employers may hold misconceptions about military spouses, wrongly assuming we are unreliable or incapable of long-term commitment due to the potential for relocation. This can make it more challenging for military spouses to secure employment opportunities. However, many organizations are recognizing the value of hiring military spouses and actively seeking to provide employment support through programs like the Military Spouse Employment Partnership (MSEP).

Remote Work and Entrepreneurship

The rise of remote work opportunities and the growing availability of online entrepreneurship ventures have opened up new avenues for military spouses to find employment. Remote work allows greater flexibility, enabling military spouses to work from any location, including during relocations. Additionally, some military spouses have found success in starting their own businesses, leveraging unique skills and experiences to create portable and flexible careers.

Employment Support Resources

Fortunately, there are numerous resources available to support military spouses in our job search efforts. Military Spouse Employment Readiness Programs (ERP), offered through installations and military support organizations, provide career counseling, resume assistance, and networking opportunities. Websites like Military OneSource and offer job boards, educational resources, and guidance on navigating the unique challenges faced by military spouses.


While it is true that military spouses face challenges when it comes to finding employment due to frequent relocations and other factors, there are also opportunities and resources available to support them in their search for meaningful work. Remote work options, entrepreneurship, and initiatives aimed at recognizing and addressing licensure and certification issues are paving the way for military spouses to overcome hurdles. With the support of the military community and organizations dedicated to the employment of military spouses, finding fulfilling and flexible employment is becoming increasingly attainable.

Check out this list of work from home options here.