Make Them Never Want to Leave

The front entrance to our house

Sometimes while doing housework, particularly something I don’t enjoy, I will whisper to myself “make them never want to leave”. Them, of course, refers to my family. This sudden reminder causes me to work a bit more diligently and pay a bit more attention m to the details of my task. Suddenly, a switch in my mind is flipped, and I’m back to focusing on serving and loving my family instead of how much I don’t enjoy dusting.

When a man has been at work all day, surrounded by people who don’t love him, don’t respect him, and maybe who aren’t even kind to him, he wants to come home to peace.

When children have been at school all day, being challenged by their teachers and surrounded by their rowdy friends, they need to come home to love.

What better way to cultivate an environment of both peace and love, than appealing to their senses as soon as they walk in. Appeal to their sight: the home should be tidy and free of clutter. Make it cozy with pillows, throw blankets, soft rugs and soft lighting. A fire during the colder months certainly doesn’t hurt either.

Appeal to their smell: have a pleasant but light scent in the air. I love diffusing essential oils in my home. Light scents, like lavender or citrus fresh are perfect for the afternoon.

Bonus: have fresh baked cookies or bread in the kitchen. Nothing says welcome home, like the smell of something yummy coming from the kitchen.

Appeal to their hearing: no more vacuuming if you can help it, and have the laundry done for the day. Speak in a kind, loving tone. These are the people you love most, after all.

Appeal to their sense of taste. I always have a snack ready for my kiddos when they get home from school. If its hot outside, I like to cut fresh fruit and serve lemonade, during the colder months they sometimes get hot chocolate or pumpkin bread. My husband’s dinner is always waiting in the microwave, since he gets home hours after dinner time.

If we, as homemakers, remember to focus our hearts on the people we love most, it will reflect in how our homes feel. The simple tasks we complete everyday will be much more meaningful, and our husbands and children will never want to leave.

If you like this concept, I’ve turned it into a challenge in my Facebook group. Fill out the form, so I can get you in!

Small Things that Create Memories

special snack for valentine’s day

Sometimes as moms, we get caught up in the monotony of the day-to-day. Keeping up with the routine, scheduling appointments, drop off, pick up, cooking, cleaning-it can all start blending together. This post is just a reminder to create a few memories along the way.

My kids and I like to do movie nights, since my husband works late most nights. I’ll pop a bowl of popcorn, or make s’mores and one of the kids will choose a movie. It’s not a big production, just something we get to enjoy together and something I hope they’ll remember when they’re older.

I’m no Pinterest mom, but I’ve always enjoyed adding special touches to each holiday for my kiddos. We go all out decorating the house for Christmas and birthdays, of course, but I like to do a little something for the smaller holidays as well.

For Valentine’s Day, I dyed their pancakes pink and cut their eggs out in heart shapes for breakfast. They wore pink and red to school, and came home to homemade sugar cookies with pink icing and strawberry milk.

For St. Patrick’s Day, they will probably have green eggs a la Dr. Seuss for breakfast and wear adorable shirts to school like this and this. I sometimes will give them small treats in their lunch-maybe chocolate coins to resemble “pots of gold”.

I like to hide eggs around the house, stuff wicker baskets and make “bunny shaped” food around Easter.

Easter baskets for the kiddos

Enjoy it While You Can

The truth is, we only have a few short years while our children are young, that. they will enjoy silly traditions and little extras that we do for them, so I feel it’s our job to make sure we create as many memories as possible while we can.

What small things are you doing to create memories for your kiddos?

Qualities of a Good Homemaker

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Why I Will Be a Housewife for Life

When I graduated high school, I went straight to a 4-year university. My parents have degrees, and that was the natural progression. I wasn’t really sure what I wanted to do, but I had time to figure it out. I came from a middle class family. My parents paid for most of my education, and I took out student loans to cover the rest.

As an A/B student, and student athlete in high school, I didn’t expect to struggle at all in college. Then I encountered something I’d never anticipated: distractions. I was still an athlete with morning workouts, evening practices and weekend games. But suddenly, there were mixers, and parties, and shows, and I began to favor those distractions over my classes. This went on for my entire sophomore year.

By the start of my junior year, I decided to buckle down, choose a major, and really focus on the reason I was there. I majored in mass communications with a concentration in public relations. I worked extremely hard, joined an organization within my major, went to networking conferences, and even landed an internship in the marketing department at my university. Those two years of hard work really paid off-I graduated at the end of my 4th year and my GPA within my major was a 3.5. Not bad.

About 6 months after graduating, having gone on several interviews to no avail, and even attempting to join the military as an officer, it occurred to me that my experience in college may not have been as necessary as I had once thought. Over the next few years, I worked part time in several different industries. None-that I loved, and none that I felt were using the gifts that I knew I had.

After meeting my husband, getting married, and having our first child, we decided that I’d stay home with her full time. I had always wanted to be a mother, and it just made sense to us, that I’d be home to raise them. The next few years brought financial stress as my husband was still new to the Marine Corps and his paychecks were meager.

We learned to save and to stick to a budget and year after year as our family grew, and he rose through the ranks, the burden became lighter and lighter.

New Territory

After getting stationed in Okinawa, Japan, and birthing our third child, I decided I wanted to do something new. The American Red Cross was offering training for a Dental Assistant position in several local military dental clinics. My husband agreed that it would be good for me, and I applied and got in! Over the next few months, while my children were in childcare, I went to class. My daughter began her first day of kindergarten, and I was in class. I felt guilty, but justified it by reminding myself that I needed to do this.

When I graduated and began working, I noticed a huge change. Not o my was I pregnant again, but I was exhausted. All my energy went to my job and when I came home, my family got what was leftover. I no longer looked forward to cooking dinner for my family and hearing about my husband’s day. I didn’t even both making my husband breakfast in the mornings, because I was rushing to get the kids to childcare to get to work on time.

Over the next few months a series of unfortunate events ensued. My husband ended up in ICU with septic pneumonia and I couldn’t leave work to visit him because I hadn’t accumulated enough leave time. One of my children had an allergic reaction to food he was given at childcare, and my other child was left outside when her care providers and classmates went back inside. Needless to say, being present at the job that I loved, was causing problems with the family that I had created.

Lesson Learned

After the birth of our fourth baby, we decided that I’d stay home from now on. It took time, stress, and a lot of guilt, but I finally realized that my primary job was to be a keeper of our home and a present mom to our children. I no longer desired to leave my home to feel accomplished. Or that I needed to contribute financially. Soon after, my job found a new dental assistant to fill my position. But I can never be replaced in my position at home. Who better to spend my time on, and share my gifts with, than my own family?

I know I’m a little radical in my thinking, but I strongly believe that women, especially those of us married to service members, are doing ourselves and our families a disservice by seeking to work outside the home, if it causes our family to suffer as a consequence. What if we all focused our talents and gifts on keeping tidy welcoming homes where our husbands and children could retire for the day? What if we could greet our husbands at the door with a hot meal prepared and a smile? What if we had time and energy to bake cookies for our children for their after school snack, help with their homework, and make sure their silly socks were clean for spirit week?

Since coming to this realization in Okinawa, my husband’s job has caused us to move twice, and no matter where we live in this world, my job remains the same. And I can tell you, I’ve never been more fulfilled.

I’m Pregnant, With Baby #5!

What a Surprise

The moment that started it all!

As you just read, I’m pregnant with baby #5! I’m still surprised. Here’s a look at how we found out. March was a pretty exciting month this year. My husband and I had just celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary. I was feeling more “in love” than ever! The kids and I were settling back into our routine after Spring Break, and everything was going really well.

One day I was getting dressed, and I realized that my jeans were tighter than usual around my waist. Perhaps a little menstrual bloating? The following week, I noticed some discoloration on my skin-a symptom I had become very familiar with during my last 2 pregnancies. Come to think of it, I had needed a nap the week prior in the middle of the day. Could it be? Was I pregnant??

Telling My Husband

I took the first pregnancy test first thing the next morning, and decided to wait to tell my husband that evening. He actually surprised me that afternoon and came home during lunch with a co-worker. I waited until he was about to leave, and asked him to come look at something on our bathroom sink. My husband is not a very expressive man. He looked at the test, smiling, and asked, “What’s that?!” I just stared at him grinning. He picked it up, and looked at it more closely. Clearly, my husband was surprised too.

I think he was onto me, since I grabbed my phone to record his reaction


As I write this blog post, I am 20 weeks pregnant, exactly halfway! This afternoon, we are going to find out the gender, and I am so excited!

My first trimester was pretty typical. I was exhausted and nauseous all day, everyday. I could no longer stand the smell of coffee, green smoothies, or eggs. Breakfast was so hard to get down! I also had terrible motion sickness. Standing up, sitting down, and riding in the car, all made me terribly nauseous.

The second trimester has been more forgiving. I’ve had a few cups of coffee, and can now enjoy it occasionally. I’m back to my normal diet, and I’m really enjoying my food. I still get motion sickness during every car ride. I actually took a trip to Utah last month, and the flight definitely triggered some nausea.

When I came home, I tested positive for CVD, which forced me to relax and slow down for a week. After recovering, we took a 7 hour road trip, which was miserable, but we had a blast. It was during this visit, that we brought our families in on the surprise. I’m currently experiencing some pretty intense heartburn, which is typical, but tolerable.

Looking Forward

In the coming months, I’m looking forward to documenting this pregnancy with baby #5 as much as possible, as it’s my last. I’m taking photos, recording videos, and even plan to do a cute gender reveal, which we’ve never done. I’m updating my YouTube channel with symptoms and my experience as I try to maintain my natural perspective on my health as well as my baby’s. This journey has been beautiful, and I’m so grateful to experience it all one more time. Another chance to be a cool mom!

Let me know, how your most recent pregnancy went. If you’re currently expecting, how’s it going? What are your symptoms?

Talk soon!

Check out my video with details about how this pregnancy is going!